Weekly Journal April 24th – April 28th

Session Number5
Week Number5
Total Estimated Hours4
Goal For This weekFinish pre-production journal, begin filming

Work Tasks

Date Task Description Time Spent Was this a Best Practice? 
4/24Added examples of cinematic story telling techniques and test shots to pre production journal50 minutes Yes because it helped me figure out which techniques I was using to raise tension and receive credit for the film
4/25Published production blog post, created headings, began filming Alice stressed about assignments 50 minutesYes because it gave me a head start on my production blog post and we began filming to stay on task   
4/26Began filming shots that will be used for repetition30 minutes  Yes because we were able to film the shots that needed to be very similar in one day to uphold continuity
4/27Filmed shots of Alice working40 minutes  Somewhat, more shots could have been filmed but we did not have the necessary probs
4/28Film Alice waking up with phone45 minutes  Yes, we finished the beginning scenes of the film and made more progress

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